This is the third departure of a WMF employee who was involved with the 2015 Inspire Campaign.   The other two were Luis Villa [1] and Anna Koval [2].  The response to that ideaLab campaign [3] figured significantly in the program of Wikimania 2015. [4]  The Wikimania 2016 schedule for Esino Lario, however, seems to have few or no accepted submissions on community and governance, [5]  and if I understand this correctly, there will be no Wikimania 2017.  It's hard not to conclude that Wikimedia is transitioning away from being an open source community movement.


On Fri, Feb 12, 2016 at 10:45 AM, Renate Nuppenau <> wrote:
Dear Siko,

I wish you all the best! And I will allways remember your support and your inspiration during Wikimania 2015 in Mexico.
My project "Women showing up with hard skills" turned out to a "small" projekt in Berlin/Germany during a filmfestival called Berlinale 2016.

We are inviting women from film industry for a wikipedia introduction at 15th February 2016:

If anyone wants to share it on Facebook:  :-)

We already expect about 60 participants. 20 Wikipedians and willing to wellcome these awespome people - we are alle really looking forward to  and we exited about the event!

Thank you for empowerment!!

Yours WS_ReNu from Berlin/Germany

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