hey all,

Some times when you put an intention, it gets filled, but in different ways. :) I wanted to have some type of training for young urban girls in NY.....and still planning on it...but an opportunity in LA has arisen. I'm hoping some wiki peeps can help.

I went to an unconference this weekend that was dedicated to increase diverse voices in media. I met Tani Applessed, who among winning tons of awards for her documentary work, opened a center that teaches girls in East and South LA how to use video to tell their story, focusing on reproductive rights . (I think like 80% of her girls get full scholarships thanks to the center). She is cutting-edge activist. Her org: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ImMEDIAte_Justice_Productions

Anyway, i mentioned the wiki efforts to get more girls editting, and Would LOVE to have someone come this summer to teach her girls how to edit WIkipedia. (they are also trying to teach them web skills)

Is there anyone in the LA area that can help out, or who I can contact??


Sandra Ordonez
Web Astronaut

"Helping you rock out in the virtual world."
