Is kinda funny that you ask what I'm doing, Peter. Sounds like unless I'm being paid for WMF to deal with Gender Gap I shouldn't have a voice, and shut the f*** up. But anyway....

You wanna know what I'm doing? I tell you: I'm organizing not one, but 2 conferences with focus in the women in this movement.  The first one is the - already announced here -  and the second (1 day after this one) is a Gender Gap specify conference who will happens in the same place and city (more about this one soon). I also already made a presentation about Gender Gap to an event in India:

Now I'm qualified to talk?
Béria Lima
Wikimedia Portugal
(351) 963 953 042

Imagine um mundo onde é dada a qualquer pessoa a possibilidade de ter livre acesso ao somatório de todo o conhecimento humano. Ajude-nos a construir esse sonho.

On 25 December 2011 20:04, Pete Forsyth <> wrote:
Hi Beria,

Yes, that is why I'm here as well. And I confess that right now, I do not have a grand theory of how to fix it all; but I'm glad to talk about, or work on, little ideas while the big ideas percolate.

Beria, you and I have both been here for a long time, both on the Gender Gap list and on Wikimedia projects generally. And unless I'm missing something, I don't think either of us have offered up a plan of how to explore or reduce the gender gap. I agree with you that posts like Sarah's are probably not getting to the core of the gender gap issue (and I suspect she would agree) -- but personally, I don't think they do any harm, and I do think they help people on this list find opportunities to work together and begin to develop working relationships.

But..that's beside the point. How about if you and I both make an effort to suggest issues this list could take on that would be useful? I would be very interested to hear how you would like to approach things, and I could probably manage to string together my thoughts in a useful way as well. What do you think? Let's propose some alternative, or additional, directions the discussion here might take.


On Sun, Dec 25, 2011 at 11:56 AM, Béria Lima <> wrote:
I'm looking forward to hearing what Caroline would like to discuss, or Beria.
Well Peter, when I come here (the day the list was created) the idea was to create a list to discuss HOW TO REDUCE GENDER GAP (in caps to make it more clear), that was the propose and that was the one I accepted.

So far, I saw lots of discussions about articles and images, and very little about the main objective of this list. I'm asking too much that we actually start discuss what we came here to discuss? I don't think so.
Béria Lima
Wikimedia Portugal
(351) 963 953 042

Imagine um mundo onde é dada a qualquer pessoa a possibilidade de ter livre acesso ao somatório de todo o conhecimento humano. Ajude-nos a construir esse sonho.

On 25 December 2011 19:41, Pete Forsyth <> wrote:

Agreed. On Christmas (or any other day), I am thankful this list helps move things forward in a variety of ways, for a variety of different people. I'm looking forward to hearing what Caroline would like to discuss, or Beria. But glad to know your thoughts on "pimp" and "madam" sarah, and to see a suggested path to improving wikipedia content. I do enjoy that stuff the most. Collabotative encyclopedia writing is fucking awesome, and I love how everybody goes about it a little differently.


On Dec 25, 2011 11:25 AM, "Ole Palnatoke Andersen" <> wrote:
On Sun, Dec 25, 2011 at 7:41 PM, Sarah Stierch <> wrote:
> It's a shame that my posts have been so bothersome for the list, I never
> knew that I was only making things worse, or not helping at all.

I, for one, do not find your posts bothersome.
I find no problem with having one gender-neutral article for barbers
and hairdressers or for pimps and madams, but I do find it better to
have *two* good articles on the respective subjects.


-- * @palnatoke * +4522934588

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