Yes, as a OTRS agent and a Commonist.

It was just as challenging to get content removed for those reasons as any other.

People seem to not want to listen. It's really weird how protective people can be about porn versus the people in them.

I'm sure there is some on there as I type this as people have no idea. 


Sent from my IPhone.

On May 10, 2014, at 2:57 AM, Chris Keating <> wrote:

I wondered if anyone knew of a case where any of our projects had been involved in a "revenge porn" incident - I.e. someone maliciously uploading and publicising pornographic pictures to control and humiliate someone else (most frequently an ex - girlfriend).

I ask because someone I know is going through this kind of abuse.  at present, and that's reminded me this is a growing problem and area of media/political interest.



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