Hi Maggie -

Could I ask you to please change the subject line when you are replying to posts?  It appears you're working from a digest version of the list, and instead of it being clear which thread you're answering, it simply points to what digest that particular post appeared. Thus, the other readers of your message have to scramble around trying to figure out what topic you're referring to. Perhaps if you now plan to be active on this mailing list, you might want to turn "digest" off.



On 2 October 2011 11:04, Maggie <rockerrepro@gmail.com> wrote:
A bit rude are we? It would have been more useful to simply mention the other list, which I clearly was not aware of. Also, "discussion followed on whether this is a positive development, and whether a number of other divisions will (or should) spring up after this."

If anyone really would like to complain that this is sexist or not useful in creating a friendlier environment to women, then so be it, but these groups will exist either way. Because minority groups need to exist this moment in time for people to feel more comfortable in their own domains. This has consistently shown positive results with in diverse populations. Far in the future, when equality is achieved for all people, perhaps these types of groups will be null and void.

The Gender Gap list will remain and allow for men to participate with women anyway, so it's no biggie.


Date: Sun, 2 Oct 2011 08:47:45 +0100
From: B?ria Lima <beria.lima@wikimedia.pt>
Subject: Re: [Gendergap] Women on Wikimedia group
To: Increasing female participation in Wikimedia projects
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Let's not reinvent the wheel, shall we?

A group like Maggie described already exist - for years - under the name
Wikichix-l (see
http://lists.modernthings.org/listinfo.cgi/wikichix-l-modernthings.org )

Is a mailing list who exist since December
the sumary of creation was "
*Angela Beesley announced the creation of a mailing
Wiki <http://wikichix.org/> for female WMF-projects editors to discuss
gender bias and ways to make the projects more inviting for women.
Discussion followed on whether this is a positive development, and whether a
number of other divisions will (or should) spring up after this.*"
*B?ria Lima*
Wikimedia Portugal <http://wikimedia.pt>
(351) 963 953 042

*Imagine um mundo onde ? dada a qualquer pessoa a possibilidade de ter livre
acesso ao somat?rio de todo o conhecimento humano. ? isso o que estamos a

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