The screenshots below are from a blog post by a girl geek going onto 4chan /b/. (probably NSFW)

4chan is the site that gave Wikipedia and the world its lolcats, as well as the saying, "There are no girls on the Internet." As you'll no doubt see if you navigate to the above address, it is also full of anonymously posted girlie pictures, not unlike parts of Wikimedia. One of the board's catchphrases is, "Tits or GTFO". Rather male-centric, right?

The Wikipedia article on 4chan is a featured article. (Why am I not surprised ...)

The following screenshots are SFW:

The following is the dialogue they show:


/b/abes get no love! I hate you, /b/. Where are the female /b/tards?

in the kitchen.

stop making these shit threads ... girls on /b/ are anon, and stay anon.

i lol'd go make me a fucking sandwich

If girls on /b/ are non and stay anon, why is anon assumed to be male by default? Can we just purge all the cam whores, plz?

making me a god damn sammwich

make my sandwich silently

im a girl,im in florida

Tits or GTFO. Pic related.

Girls on the Internet don't fucking exist.

girl, why do you have a pc in the kitchen?

female /b/tard here, trolling threads and not making samiches

Oh silly, there are no girls on the internet


Now, this dialogue illustrates how anonymous uncensored porn and sexist behaviour towards a woman can go together, and reinforce each other.

The blog post the screenshots are taken from is here:


On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 8:33 PM, Andreas Kolbe <> wrote:
On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 7:40 PM, Michael J. Lowrey <> wrote:
On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 1:21 PM, Andreas Kolbe <> wrote:
> Please consider the likelihood that there may be a correlation between the
> let-it-all-hang-out attitude towards porn, and the problem you describe as
> "sexualized behavior – sexist comments and bad manners".
> The let-it-all-hang-out approach towards porn is likely
> – to attract people who engage in "sexualized behavior – sexist comments and
> bad manners", and
> – to repel the type of people who would be "allies within the community to
> shoot down behaviour like that (civility!)".
> A more responsible and mainstream approach, on the other hand, is apt to
> repel the first and attract the second type of contributor.

{{citation needed}}

Unquestioned premises almost inevitably lead to false conclusions. In
this case, the unquestioned premise is that those who oppose
censorship are people who engage in (or at least tolerate) sexist
comments and bad manners, as opposed to the possibility that those who
people oppose censorship believe in opposing censorship as a matter of
principle. You are unilaterally defining opponents of censorship as
irresponsible, out of the mainstream, and unwilling to support
civility: again I say, {{citation needed}}!

(I won't bother to ask for an apology.)

I'll work on a citation. But in my experience, the places that are most radically free speech, and most anti-censorship when it comes to porn, like parts of 4chan and reddit, are also places where the level of discourse goes way south. I don't think that is a particularly novel or contentious observation.