I can relate. I had the remarkable joy of spending so much time talking with people about Wikisource that I hardly got to spend any time with people who are only interested in others areas of Wikimedia. I only had two gendergap related discussions and they took more time than all the chapter and funding related conversations I had put together. 

I couldn't be happier about all this, because it means there was so much interest in my favorite topic of all. I am very happy to see the press took Jimmy's response to my question in the direction they did. The thing that is ten thousand times more joyful than talking about Women's Participation in Wikimedia, is talking with another woman about my favorite corner of Wikimedia and seeing her interest. I did a lot of that, and I talked so much that I lost my voice. It didn't think it was possible there could be more interest in hearing about Wikisource than my voice had the stamina for!


On Jul 17, 2012, at 11:11 AM, Sarah Stierch <sarah.stierch@gmail.com> wrote:

Thanks Carol and Risker -

I'm a bit burnt out so I'm on day two of "no Wiki anything" :) but...reports will follow soon!

I'm pretty amazed at how many women were there, it was a very inspiring experience!!

My only issue with this years Wikimania is that I was unable to spend much solid time with anyone due to how busy I was :(


On 7/17/12 9:06 AM, Carol Moore DC wrote:
Yes, it was great.  I ended up having more energy than expected, though doing AdaCamp would have been too much but looking forward to reports.

I'm still recovering...  so excuse any sketchiness below...

Writing up notes for a little report and will put some photos on Wikicommons. 

Didn't see any of the luncheon as of yesterday am but will search again.  Or see https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Wikimania_2012

Don't see Flickr pics from WikimediaDC yet-  maybe I have to sign in   See other relevant links from https://wikimania2012.wikimedia.org/wiki/Main_Page

On 7/16/2012 11:07 PM, Risker wrote:
It was a great pleasure to meet so many of the women whose names I recognized from this mailing list at the WikiWomen Luncheon.  There were about 120 of us in the room, and probably another 20-30 other women who were busy elsewhere at the same time: probably the largest gathering of WikiWomen ever to this point.  I don't think there was a single session I attended all conference where I was the only woman, which really did mean a lot. 

What is interesting is that, despite this wonderful concentration of women Wikimedians at this conference, we still only made up about 10-12% of the total attendance.  But the strength, experience, and knowledge that we had in the banquet room was amazing and incredibly positive.

To get to know each other a bit, we all took turns introducing ourselves and explaining our link to the Wikimedia projects, and then each of us added three words that we felt were significant to us.  It was really fascinating to see the diversity in that!


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Sarah Stierch
Wikimedia Foundation Community Fellow
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