I am sure you'll be appalled that libraries include nude pictures in
their search results, often when searching for something else.
http://trove.nla.gov.au/picture/result?q=contemporary+north+america+20th+centuryfix the metadata.
create a gallery page.
create a category and populate it.
p.s. abstract art offends me. Can we please remove media
related to
John Levee's from the Commons search results for the term 'Levee'. ;-)
> We should be under no illusion that we can find all search terms whose
> results violate the principle of least surprise, presenting adult images for
> everyday search terms.
> New such situations arise on a daily basis, each time someone uploads an
> explicit file that has a plausible search term in its name and
> description (try searching Commons for "eating", and then search for
> "drinking"; or try finding images of Prince Albert).
The ordering of the search results isnt ideal. Have you raised a bug?