It is perhaps a truism that if you want to concentrate on fixing something (i.e., gendergap) , first you need to measure it.

Has anyone looked at the Inspire grant proposals to see if any of them include metrics?

So far, we have the 2008 survey, conducted by UN University in Maastrict (UNU-MERIT), and posted in 2010.  The survey showed that "only 12.64% of contributors are female".

The next survey was conducted in 2011.  It found that "only 8.5% of editors are women".

The results of the 2012 survey were never published.
 Questions about it remain unanswered.

So what surveys need to be done, how often, and by whom?  (It seems that this UN University in Maastrict group did a pretty good job.) The editathons are new, has anyone actually talked to any of the women who participated?  Shouldn't there be some focus groups at this point? 

This is really basic to the whole project. Can someone figure out what is needed and whether anyone has submitted a workable proposal?  Andreas?