Google just released their participation data regarding the upcoming Google Summer of Code (or winter of you are on the other side of the world :) )

" The program set another record this year: the highest percentage yet of women accepted. 8.3% of our accepted students identified themselves as female, versus 7.1% percent last year. Overall the percentage of women accepted has slowly but surely increased every year since 2006."

Great news!! I'm curious how a more collaborative and mentor-based short-term project like Summer of Code could perhaps encourage higher participation in Wikipedia. One could say, "Oh, we have that with the Global Education program," but, perhaps there is more to learn from Google's summer projects and the opportunity for intimate learning relationships from experienced coders. 

(Summer of Wiki!? :D )


p.s. thank you Donna Benjamin from for sharing the link.

Sarah Stierch
Wikimedia Foundation Community Fellow
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