It would be helpful to explain how Meta.wikimedia  interacts with En.wikipedia and others, since not clear to some of us I'm sure. (Just discovered this good over view page )

For example, while I have proposed people set up "WikiProject:WomensCafe" at diff language wikis, I'm not sure if it is appropriate to set up OutReach projects at the different wikipedias or if that only can be done on meta. 

FYI, I'm actually more interested in outreach to educated and retiring by the tens of thousands weekly Seniors who are computer savvy and have time on their hands. (And that would include a lot of women.) So I'm not sure what the best way to go about that is.

And as I said to someone else, AARP magazine is a great place to get an article about outreach published AND to advertise. Even as a libertarian slightly embarassed about getting social security,  my AARP magazine is the one I get most excited about reading monthly!

On 2/18/2011 3:02 PM, Steven Walling wrote:
On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 6:28 AM, Pharos <> wrote:

Perhaps start with a more encompassing Gendergap "portal" on Meta?

I can help make this happen. It's sort of nascent already...

Steven Walling
Fellow at Wikimedia Foundation