I feel *exactly* the same way, and I'm a Commons admin :( This speaks for me, too.

-- Allie

On May 12, 2013, at 1:15 PM, Katherine Casey <fluffernutter.wiki@gmail.com> wrote:

Alas no, I'm not up to your challenge. I'm subject to quite enough aggression and strange sexualization of situations on enwp; I don't have the energy to dive headfirst into an even worse atmosphere of those things on Commons. I'm much more comfortable speaking here, in an environment of respect and support, than I would ever be there, in an environment where my right to my opinions would be challenged and I'd be shouting into a void while thinking that at any moment someone was going to ask me to show my "tits". 

Not everyone has unlimited tolerance for doing things that make them very uncomfortable; as someone whose tolerance for that is perhaps lower than some other people's, my hope is that my voice here, where I am comfortable speaking, will be heard - as it seems to be, given this thread and the inroads that have been made on Commons as a result of it - and that my speaking here it will provide support to the people who are willing to brave that environment.
