What proportion of the rest had accounts explicitly marked as male? My first thought is that most people of all genders probably get to that section of Preferences, go "Why would mediawiki want to know my gender in the first place? This is dumb" and skip it. Or they never fiddle with their preferences to that extent in the first place.

Keep in mind also that "identifies in preferences as female" is not a unified set with "is female", as you noted. Just glancing at a couple screens' worth of the log I see a handful of users who I know to be, or know probably are, female. So I'm hesitant to draw any gender-proportion conclusions from whether or not people ticked a somewhat obscure box.

This doesn't mean that female voters probably aren't very much in the minority in the election, but given what we already know about proportion of females on Wikipedia as a whole, that's entirely consistent with what expectations would be.

On Tue, Dec 9, 2014 at 8:14 AM, Fæ <faewik@gmail.com> wrote:
Checking the votes at
against the English Wikipedia database, shows an interesting
statistic. Of the 590 votes cast only *one* voter has an account
marked with their gender as female.

Obviously many people prefer not to use the user preferences on-wiki
to mark their gender, however it still seems a remarkably low figure
for a project which has a strategic objective to be welcoming to users
who identify as women.

faewik@gmail.com https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Fae

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