Thank you Valentin, I am really glad you will be introducing and discussing "Charting Diversity" in London.
I wish I could attend this year, but I am looking forward to your summary of feedback and reactions to our work!
Best to all and enjoy Wikimania 2014!
Ilona Buchem

Am 8/6/14 5:13 PM, schrieb Valentin Münscher:
Here is a quick update:

We set up a Charting Diversity page on meta, to make room for comments
and discussions. It is work in progress, but feel free to fire away!
Looking forward, to hear what you got to say!

Lovely Greetings and see you tomorrow in London!

2014-08-06 9:31 GMT+02:00 Pine W <>:
Thanks very much, Valentin. I am forwarding your email to Wiki-research-l.

I am interested in the topic of editor engagement in general, and I am very
happy that you included work done by LauraHale, Hawkeye7 and I in your
literature review. Thank you!


On Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 4:58 AM, Valentin Münscher
<> wrote:
Hello everyone,

last year Wikimedia Deutschland cooperated with Beuth University of
Applied Science concerning diversity in Wikipedia. Now we published the key
conclusions and recommendation and translate the report into English, so
that you and other interested people can also take a closer look on our work
concerning diversity and maybe getting input for your own work.

The English title is “Charting Diversity - Working together towards
diversity in Wikipedia” and starts off with a review of the current
situation in (the German) Wikipedia and then goes on to offer different
concepts and possibilities how to improve diversity in Wikipedia.

You find the document on Commons via this link

Sebastian Horndasch and me, Valentin, from the education & knowledge
departement of Wikimedia Deutschland will also bring paper copies to the
Wikimania in London and we are looking forward to answer your questions and
discuss your comments with you. Check our Wikimania user sides for our
Wikimania timetables or write us an email, if you wanna get in touch with



All the best,
Valentin Münscher

Bereich Bildung & Wissen
Wikimedia Deutschland e.V. | Tempelhofer Ufer 23-24 | 10963 Berlin
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Prof. Dr. Ilona Buchem
Gastprofessorin für Medienforschung und Chancengleichheit
Professor in Residence for Digital Media & Diversity

Beuth Hochschule für Technik Berlin
Beuth University of Applied Sciences
FBI Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftswissenschaften
Department of Economics and Social Sciences
Haus Gauss/Room 230, Luxemburger Str. 10, D-13353 Berlin


Strategische Projektleitung "Credit Points" im IQ Netzwerks Berlin: CREDIT POINTS
Projektleitung und Kooperation mit Wikimedia Deutschland e.V.: WIKIPEDIA DIVERSITY

Tel. 0049-30-45045243
Twitter: mediendidaktik
Skype: Ilona.tfh