Along this line, Risker, which form of posting is preferred in the Lists; posting below the person you are responding to (as I am doing here); or posting above it? I've seen it done both ways.



This could get fun -- more virtual ink has been spilled on the "top-post" vs. "bottom-post" debate about mailing lists than on most topics :) 

In my opinion, both are useful tools. For a detail-oriented discussion, especially if several people are participating, putting your comments below the prior post -- or weaving individual points in where they belong -- can be the easiest to follow. In other cases, if what you're seeking to do is reply broadly to the overall message(s) sent before, top-posting may work better. (But if a certain approach has already taken hold within a discussion, it's often less confusing if you follow the example of those before you.)

Above all, I try to keep in mind how it will appear to the reader, and make sure I'm presenting myself as clearly as possible. So I'd say, case-by-case, and, as Risker says, trim stuff that is not essential to your point.

Hope that helps!