Interesting. Thanks!

I am not saying the results are skewed, but there are lots of poems that are in Wikisource that lack Wikidata entries. For instance, this list of Emily Dickinson poems:

The first poem in her template is which has its own Wikidata entry: This poem was not listed on the Wikidata query

poems by women: nor on the query poems by women on English Wikipedia, so all poems are not counted as they should be.

This is not to say that there is not probably a poem gap (wonderful term). Just that we should check the numbers before we go public with them.

Best wishes,

Lennart Guldbrandsson

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Från: Gendergap <> för Ryan Kaldari <>
Skickat: den 11 maj 2017 07:16:26
Till: Increasing female participation in Wikimedia projects
Ämne: [Gendergap] the poem gap
Just out of curiosity, I used the Wikidata Query Service to see how many poems by women are in Wikidata. The answer is 5. If you do the same query for men, you get 255. If you restrict the queries to poems that have articles on English Wikipedia you get 1 and 57, i.e. according to Wikidata there is only one article about a poem by a woman on English Wikipedia. This probably isn't accurate, but it's still a surprising result. While I understand that poetry (and writing in general) has historically been the domain of men, does a 50 to 1 ratio really reflect the historical reality? Anyway, just something to chew on.

If you want to run the queries yourself (or modify them) here they are:

Poems by women:
Poems by men:

Poems by women with articles on English Wikipedia:
Poems by men with articles on English Wikipedia: