I'm glad to see the uptick in the number of high profile gender gap discussions in the past few months. I hope that this will give the theme some momentum that leads to meaningful improvements in the civility on Wikimedia and a variety of our community health statistics.

There's a piece in the NYTimes about Ruth Ginsburg, a jurist on the US Supreme Court, that may be of some interest to members of this mailing list. While I have varying views of her court decisions, I think the overview of her leadership methodology is relevant to our discussions here. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/10/25/opinion/sunday/justice-ginsburgs-cautious-radicalism.html

See also the editorial in today's Signpost. Gamaliel goes a little further in some of his statements than I would have, but I'm glad to see this editorial appear shortly after Frank Schulenburg's editorial about civility.

I'm also hoping that the WMF maneuvering to address the harassment issue will start to show results soon.

So, I'd say the trend in the public dialogue gives cause for hope.
