

I've put up a geonotice but just in case anyone has them disabled (I wouldn't blame you), we're having an editing day with the Manchester Girl Geeks on the 12th. Any presence, female or otherwise, would be appreciated. Invitations went out today to their 400 strong mailing list and we're hoping to have 40 women attend. I think partnership with organisations like the Girl Geeks really helps to bridge the gender gap. If we get 40 new editors out of this day that's 40 women who weren't there before. So I want us to have an enthusiastic show on hand!


Also, I know I put out the call before and I have my responses saved but I am meeting with the head of the global network today to talk about where we can feasibly hold talks. The invitations should go out very soon so if anyone else is willing to volunteer to organise an editing day or give a talk on Wikipedia to these great women that would make my week.


Lots of wiki-love,

