On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 11:00 PM, ChaoticFluffy <chaoticfluffy@gmail.com> wrote:
Hmmm, interesting. I've often wondered whether I would have had a less pleasant experience fitting into the wiki(p|m)edia IRC channels if I had an obviously-gendered nick. As it is, I get maybe one random pm a month, if that, and most of those are of the vague "hi"-followed-by-silence sort. None that I can remember have ever been sexually explicit, though I think I might have gotten threats once or twice. Maybe one day I'll run my own little experiment and masquerade under a clearly-female name and see how that changes...


Heh, You know several people already do that little experiment daily. ;) I know of a couple of male regulars who prefer either gender neutral or female names on IRC. I doubt it changes most people's reaction.
