On Wed, Feb 9, 2011 at 9:10 PM, Monaghan, Patricia <PMONAGHA@depaul.edu> wrote:
If there were to be a concerted campaign during Women's Hist Month (US), it would have to be organized pretty quickly--like, this week. Might be too much. I'd certainly post hither and yon if this does come about.

Or there's always next year....cheers Patricia

PS Us amateurs don't know the difference between an editor and someone who just posts.  I am referring above to getting women to post.  Editing is beyond my ken at the moment.  Or maybe I'm making a distinction w/ no difference.

Gendergap mailing list

I agree that it may be too soon, although I'm supportive of the idea. Perhaps we could turn it into a dedicated thing later on, which gives us some advantages in having time to work things out (and also prevents scheduling conflicts. Organising events for a UN-nominated day is all well and good, but so is everyone else; people only have so many hours in the day).

There's no hard-and-fast rule of who counts as an editor; could be a long-term contributor, could be someone who makes a dozen edits. Either way they're an editor to me.