See below. And here is the Gizmodo article:


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Wmfall] Wikipedia gender ratio visualized
Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2012 20:28:29 -0700
From: Dario Taraborelli <>
To: Staff (All) <>

Aside from the dataviz itself (which is nifty but uses a fairly small gender dataset), what I like about this project is the open data supply chain it illustrates: 

(1) we publish raw data;
(2) a research team in Italy builds an API on top of our data; 
(3) a dataviz expert in Buenos Aires tells a good story with data from the API
(4) we learn something about our community that we would have never produced by ourselves

A good reminder of the value of investing into APIs and well-documented data sources.

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