Actually, I think there's something to be said for downvoting. Not in the reddit "i disagree" sense, but in the slashdot/ meta filter "comments downvoted/flagged past a certain point will be hidden/deleted" sense. It would obviously take a lot of work to make that work within the media wiki software *and* the Wikimedia ethos, but it would probably save tons of grief and derails if the worst of the worst comments were limited by crowdsourced review.

On Jun 23, 2014 12:47 PM, "Daniel and Elizabeth Case" <> wrote:
MediaWiki's mostly impersonal interaction helps a lot here.

No image avatars, no upvoting or downvoting of comments (something I don't see the utility of on either Reddit or Quora, FTM). Maybe the features are what we *don't* have.

Daniel Case

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