On 12/26/11 11:29 AM, Florence wrote:
Sarah.... Seriously.... When it comes to bullying... There are several options as to how to answer it. 

One is blahblahblah. It takes your time, it takes our time, it takes its toll on the environment, and is bad on your health :)

But blahblahblahblah is one of my specialties! ;-)

When there is no bodily harm involved, I'd say to do just as with trolling. Let it go. Do not answer. Do as if it did not exist. Have a drink and forget about it. Do not escalate. Close your mind.

Do us the favor of thinking us able to filter out what is ridiculous and non sense from what is relevant and meaningful criticism. Beria is capable of both. Take the second and shut your mind from the first as most of us learnt to do ;)

I always get a ton of emails asking me to ignore these things. But, I just get so freaking fed up and I feel like I'm going to explode; and then private ranty emails can only go so far..and then...BOOM!!!

Perhaps I should take up boxing. Or just drink more. ;-) Maybe both. Thanks Flo!!


Sarah Stierch
Wikimedia Foundation Community Fellow
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