Hi everyone,

I've been feeling inspired (!!!) and have started re-maintaining the WikiWomen's Collaborative Twitter and Facebook. Despite my excessive bitterness, hahaha, I'm really missing the camaraderie and work that I was doing to engage a more diverse audience in participating in the free knowledge movement. 

Feel free to e-mail me off list if there are events, blog posts, press coverage, or "calls to action" you'd like me to post. I'll post in any language as long as there is also an English translation. If you already are a maintainer of either the page or Twitter, feel free to post. 

On Facebook we now have over 1,000 likes, and on Twitter we have 1,189 followers. You can find the two accounts here:



Like and follow us! 


On a personal note, ever since Adrianne and Cindamuse died and I earned my "outsider within a group of outsiders" status in January I haven't had the motivation to contribute to the two areas of work that I deeply care about in this "world" of free knowledge - women's engagement and GLAM. I'm trying to change that in myself, and not letting the men who tore me down get me down (or the mistakes that I have made in the past). 

For the past few months I've been contributing to WikiVoyage and Wikidata and I changed my username (back to my old username). No one notices me.. it's quiet. 

I'm even thinking about putting my feelers out for public speaking and workshops again, but, I might be a bad apple no one wants to hear from anymore :) As long as funding is available, I am very open minded to opportunities. If you hear of anything, or know of anyone looking to hear someone speak about lessons learned, the experiences had, evaluation practices, grantwriting, how revolution can and continues to take place in this community, or you just want a kick ass facilitator for your edit-a-thon let me know... 


Thanks everyone, I appreciate it and the work you are all doing to change the world. 


