I'm just blue-skying here, but wouldn't it be great if we could have a little window pop-up when someone clicks the edit button for the first time that says "Hey! Thanks for looking into editing Wiki____!  It's easy but it can be confusing sometimes. Would you like to chat with a fellow volunteer who can answer your questions?"


And then there could be a little chat window allowing real-time communication while the editor walks through her first edit.



                        Powers  &8^]



-----Original Message-----
From: Keilana [mailto:keilanawiki@gmail.com]
02 August 2014 01:37
To: Addressing gender equity and exploring ways to increase the participationof women within Wikimedia projects.
Subject: Re: [Gendergap] Sexualized environment on Commons


To briefly go back to what Sarah and Marie have said, I do find that in person hand-holding and social support are the most effective factors in getting women to stick around. I don't know how to translate that from the real-world environment I teach newbies in to the virtual environment of new users' talk pages. I'd love to brainstorm something in that vein, though. :)




On Fri, Aug 1, 2014 at 11:40 PM, A. Mani <a.mani.cms@gmail.com> wrote:

On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 7:10 PM, Carol Moore dc
<carolmooredc@verizon.net> wrote:
> Then I looked at this political poster image
> https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Courageous_Cunts.jpg
> which leads to this site http://courageouscunts.com/

I think nobody has bothered to write much on the movement.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Large_Labia_Project has no content

Contrast that with the content on this site: http://largelabiaproject.org


A. Mani

A. Mani
[Last_Name. First_Name Format]
HomePage: http://www.logicamani.in
Blog: http://logicamani.blogspot.in/

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