During the last week or so,
Wikimedia Sverige's gendergap project has had some media attention. We've had some interest from the media before, mainly before some of our editathons for women (which we've so far had about half a dozen, and will hold many more in the future). But now the interest has started to build, which is good.
WMSE's project leader Axel Pettersson and Swedish Women's Lobby's representative Johanna Dahlin was interviewed in Sweden's largest tabloid, Aftonbladet:
http://www.aftonbladet.se/wendela/kvinnaoman/article18259664.ab And the same day, their columnist wrote a positive piece on the gendergap issue:
http://www.aftonbladet.se/wendela/kronikorer/asaerlandson/article18259284.ab Some background:
During December and January, I and others have written a series of blog posts about women on Wikipedia, on Wikimedia Sverige's blog. We collected them
here. So far, we've covered these topics:
Brainstorming on multipluralism on Wikipedia – thoughts on editathons
Does it matter that Wikipedia has a gendergap?
Why don't women edit Wikipedia?
How do we get more women to edit Wikipedia?
Ten reasons for women edit Wikipedia, part 1
Ten reasons for women edit Wikipedia, part 2
Ten reasons for women to edit Wikipedia (short version)
Ten topics for women to write about on WikipediaThey have been read by thousands of people so far, and have been some of our most read blog posts. And more posts are coming. I haven't checked out how Google Translate treat these texts, but if there are any questions, please send them to me, since I have written most of them :-)
I have also been to a norm critical course and shared my notes from there, here:
https://se.wikimedia.org/wiki/Anteckningar_fr%C3%A5n_Transversala_dialoger (I have still to add the notes from the last session, but I will get to it eventually.) Some material (including links) there could be helpful for others as well, including some group self analysis tools.
Also, the discussion on our Facebook group has started to include these topics more frequently, as well as the general discussion on Wikipedia (although a bit less). This is a start, but we're not finished yet. When the budget for this year is approved, we'll know more.
Best wishes,
Lennart Guldbrandsson
070 - 207 80 05
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Tänk dig en värld där varje människa på den här planeten får fri tillgång till världens samlade kunskap. Det är vårt mål."
Jimmy Wales