Hi again,

thanx for all your answers.
So I come to think about my own attitude towards this topic and yeah: maybe you are right. I should learn to more "think like wikipedia" at this point. 

it feels like a disappointment at first. but I try to understand.

(although in my view this is no "illustration", but a comic. but that is just a very small difference.)


Frau Lila

Am 27.04.2012 um 21:28 schrieb "Carol Moore DC" <carolmooredc@verizon.net>:

NO need to censor it. Just do a second one with bushier eyebrows and a goatee and put that up instead :-)

On 4/27/2012 1:50 PM, Béria Lima wrote:
Katrin, I hate to be captain obvious here, but: Do you know that "cun shot" is a porn related term right? Only used in Porn related articles (see related articles)? And that what is in the article isn't a picture, but a illustration?

I do agreed when people complained about the naked gardening article and pic, because isn't a sex related article. But this IS a sex related article, not only, this one is a PORN related article. Is not like someone will fall there accidentally by looking for Jesus or Santa. Therefore, I don't see the reason to censor the article.
Béria Lima

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