I actually would love to follow the reactions of people when you call them "she" and you're wrong. How would they reply?

Kaldari says he's been called "she" a number of times! :)


On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 12:37 PM, <carolmooredc@verizon.net> wrote:
Recently two users I thought were he's turned out to be she's.  And then
I identified a user with a neutral sounding name as a he - though
looking again at name, probably is a she.

Then it occurred to me, why assume they are male anyway?

Why not call all neutral user names she from now on?

He is part of she.
Male is part of female.
Man is part of woman.

Hmmm... how much "trouble" will I get in if I do it??

Carol in dc

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