Hey folks,

I've always thought that Val Henson's HOWTO Encourage Women in Linux is a terrific document: it's well-researched, carefully-written and comprehensive, and I think it works really well as an iconic, permanent document. I've pointed lots of people towards it, and it's saved me saying the same thing over and over again, many times. 


It occurred to me the other day that we could make something similar for Wikipedia. So I wrote Val a note (Val may be on this list, I can't remember. If so, hi Val!) asking how she'd feel about that, and she's completely supportive. So I wonder: does anyone here want to volunteer to facilitate the creation of a version of Val's HOWTO, adapted and customized for Wikipedia? I'd be really happy to help, but I don't want its development to be perceived as a Wikimedia Foundation initiative; I'd rather it be understood as coming out of the Wikimedia community.


Sue Gardner
Executive Director
Wikimedia Foundation

415 839 6885 office
415 816 9967 cell

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