Hi everyone,
Please welcome Liz Kent Leon, our new co-moderator of the gender gap
Liz is a librarian at Sweet Brian College, a small women's college
in Virginia. She started, and continues to maintain Gifts of
Speech[1], the world's largest, free, online, collection of
full-text speeches by women in the world. She's active on social
media, tweeting[2] about women's issues and maintaining Sweet
Briar's Gender Studies Facebook page. She participated in the recent
THATcamp Feminism events and has participated in the National
Women's Studies Association conference.
She started editing Wikipedia in 2008, and has written two articles
in the process. She's been an active member of the Women's Studies
Email List and brings her experience from that list with her to help
co-moderate Gender Gap-L.
Welcome co-moderator Liz, and thank you for volunteering.
[1] http://gos.sbc.edu/
[2] https://twitter.com/LizLintonKent