i take it you are aware of arbitration

it works where there is buy-in
but there are many cases where not working, and things taken to ani and arbcom.
these are broken processes.

On Mon, Nov 24, 2014 at 3:36 PM, Krystle <krystle@wikihow.com> wrote:
Not a Wikimedia project (though we do use MediaWiki) but at wikiHow we get by pretty well without conflict resolution documentation. We have a mediation team that rarely (well, never) gets used. We've handled conflicts on a case-by-case basis. When I have an issue between two members escalated to me, my first way of dealing with it is to order a "cease fire"--no direct communication between the two parties involved, ever again. This solves 99% of problems.

That being said - it works pretty well for our community, its culture, and the kinds of conflicts that come up here. I'm a fan of minimal documentation to avoid a culture of wikiLawyering. I know our example might be unique and not applicable, I just wanted to offer a different perspective. Not having documentation puts conflict resolution in the hands of the staff and that requires a high degree of trust, which I think is a healthy metric for the staff-community relationship in general.

If you care to provide examples of conflicts that have arisen so far, that might help guide suggestions for documentation, or handling.

Hope this helps :)

Krystle Chung
Community Support

On Mon, Nov 24, 2014 at 12:20 PM, Vicky Knox <vknoxsironi@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi gendergap folks!

I hope you're well. :]

I'm writing conflict resolution documentation for LocalWiki (https://localwiki.org/main/Front_Page), a global local knowledge commons. Do you have any conflict resolution resources for online communities, or conflict resolution examples from Wikimedia projects you'd like to recommend? I'm particularly interested in examples of online nonviolent communication modalities, and intersectional feminist perspectives on online conflict resolution in communities of mixed real name and *nym identities. (This all said, I'm open to all suggestions--I've lurked this list for a while and highly value the perspectives I've found on it.)

Thank you!

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