On Sun, Aug 26, 2012 at 8:36 AM, Carol Moore DC <carolmooredc@verizon.net> wrote:
Questionable just means one has questions.

I disagree. I think "questionable" is a highly charged word that's usually understood to be rhetorical (whether or not it was intended that way).

For instance, if I say "I find the circumstances around Barack Obama's birth certificate questionable," I think it's pretty clear that would be a political point -- not idle curiosity about the technicalities of what happened. (Please note the "IF" :)

I haven't looked at these AfDs, so I don't really have any opinion about whether or not their motives are questionable, beyond the starting point of assuming good faith. But if something is going to be called out as "questionable," I think it's reasonable to expect that those whose motives are being questioned would be affronted, and that they deserve an explanation about why their motives are being publicly called into question.
