Hi Hahahammond,

I like the idea of figuring out what Pinterest is doing well and attempting to attract some of its users to Wikimedia.

Because of the visual nature of Pinterest, I wonder if VisualEditor would be helpful in this case. I also think that you might try encouraging uploads and categorization work on Commons.

I am less clear on the financial details of this proposal, but I'm sure the grants committee can work that out with you.


On Apr 14, 2015 9:03 AM, "bored with boards" <boredwithboards@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi everyone,

I would really love your feedback on my Inspire Grant proposal, "Bored with Boards: Attract Pinterest Users to Wikipedia."

The project would entail initiating a match-making program between Wikipedia articles and women who are actively engaged in content creation and evaluation on female-dominated social networks, such as Pinterest.

Thanks a lot!
Bored with Boards
(a.k.a. user:Hahahammond)

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