Hi Sandra,
I don't think there have been any in the past unless you count my discussions with Els Kloek about the 1001 vrouwen project. She is not a technical person and couldn't help me with the metadata but loves Wikipedia and arranged for me to meet up with the Biografischportaal website manager who could point me to their api. The 1001 vrouwen are all indexed through that portal, and it includes lots more women for whom they haven't started writing modern biographies yet.

I guess the closest thing in English is the CLARA database of the National Museum of Women in the Arts, which is now indexed on Mix-n-Match thanks to Magnus here:

Anyone can match on that and use it to clean up Wikidata items. If you have any other databases like that then let's get them on Mix-n-Match too! BTW, Sebastiaan uploaded the video of me explaining last Friday how to match in Mix-n-Match here

For the Wikidatans among you all, please also vote on a new property for CLARA here:


On Wed, Nov 19, 2014 at 9:38 AM, Sandra Fauconnier <sandra.fauconnier@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi everyone,

(This is still in the making, so no solid promises or plans yet.)

In the Netherlands a small group of representatives of organisations that deal with women’s history is seriously brainstorming about a longer-term project to represent the Dutch women’s history better on Wikipedia. Together with a few other Dutch Wikipedians, I’m brainstorming together with them (and will probably help them during the actual process when the project takes off).

At this moment, our plan is to narrow our focus to the subject of Dutch second-wave feminism and to ‘recruit’ university docents to do Wikipedia-oriented courses with students. We hope that a few enthusiastic university teachers will teach a term course on second-wave feminism (probably one term of the 2015-16 academic year), and that students will be asked to write or improve Wikipedia articles as an assignment.

My question to this list is the following:
The organisations’ representatives are curious whether there are any earlier, similar projects that we can refer to, and learn from. Are there?
I mean: projects in which local Wikipedians have worked together with local feminist organisations, or women’s history organisations, in order to structurally improve content on Wikipedia.
I did a bit of searching around on the various Gender Gap project pages (I admit: superficially) but couldn’t find any so far. I’m aware of the Art+Feminism edit-a-thons.

In any case - all suggestions and tips are very welcome.

Many thanks! Sandra (User:Spinster)

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