I have a decent chance of being available then, if you wouldn't mind sending an invite to me?

On Wed, Feb 14, 2024, 7:27 a.m. Tila Cappelletto <tcappelletto-ctr@wikimedia.org> wrote:
Hi all, just a gentle reminder.
Celebrate Women campaign call is next Monday 19th at 16h40 UTC.
> Sign up here to get the Zoom link. 

Hoping to see you there!

Tila Cappelletto (she/ela/ella)

Senior Program Officer, Gender Organizing

Wikimedia Foundation

Let's talk? https://calendly.com/tila_wmf/meeting

Languages: [Pt-br-N] [Esp-4] [Eng-3] [Ita-2]

Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in the sum of all knowledge.  Help us make it a reality! Support Wikimedia

On Fri, Feb 9, 2024 at 1:57 PM Tila Cappelletto <tcappelletto-ctr@wikimedia.org> wrote:
Hello, everyone! I'm cross-posting the message below (in 4 languages). We hope to see you on Feb.19th.♀️ 


[EN] Hi wikimedians! ✨Are you organizing activities around International Women's Day or Women's History Month this March 2024?✨ Did you know that there is a central page where you can showcase your campaigns and learn about what other Wikimedians are doing globally? Let's chat! Join the Celebrate Women conversation hour - Monday, February 19th, 2024 at 16:30 UTC. 👉Zoom link upon quick registration: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Event:Celebrate_Women_2024_conversation_hour (Interpretation will be available: English, Spanish, Portuguese and French).

[PT] ✨Você está organizando atividades relacionadas ao Dia Internacional da Mulher em 2024?✨ Sabia que existe uma página central onde você pode incluir suas campanhas e saber o que outras pessoas da comunidade Wikimedia estão planejando globalmente? Vamos conversar! Celebremos as Mulheres: segunda-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2024, às 16:30 UTC. 👉 Registre-se e receba o link do Zoom https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Event:Celebrate_Women_2024_conversation_hour (Haverá interpretação: inglês, espanhol, português e francês).

[ES] ✨¿Estás organizando actividades en torno al Día Internacional de la Mujer de 2024?✨ ¿Sabías que existe una página central en la que puedes incluir tus campañas y enterarte de lo que otras personas de la comunidad Wikimedia están haciendo en todo el mundo? ¡Charlemos! Celebremos a las Mujeres - Lunes, 19 de febrero de 2024 a las 16:30 UTC. 👉 Regístrate y recibe el enlace de Zoom: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Event:Celebrate_Women_2024_conversation_hour (Habrá interpretación: inglés, español, portugués y francés).

[FR] ✨Organisez-vous des activités à l’occasion de la Journée internationale de la femme en 2024 ?✨ Saviez-vous qu’une page centrale est disponible pour présenter vos campagnes et découvrir les initiatives des autres membres de la communauté Wikimédia à travers le monde ? Parlons-en ! Rejoignez-nous pour l’heure de conversation « Celebrate Women » le lundi 19 février 2024 à 16h30 UTC. 👉https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Event:Celebrate_Women_2024_conversation_hour (Des services d’interprétation seront disponibles en anglais, espagnol, portugais et français).

Best regards,

Tila Cappelletto (she/ela/ella)

Senior Program Officer, Gender Organizing

Wikimedia Foundation

Let's talk? https://calendly.com/tila_wmf/meeting

Languages: [Pt-br-N] [Esp-4] [Eng-3] [Ita-2]

Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in the sum of all knowledge.  Help us make it a reality! Support Wikimedia

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