I'm wondering what the thinking is among list members concerning photos depicting more militant feminist protest activity. 

I've been searching for images on Flickr that relate to feminism worldwide, and selecting some to copy to Commons. I've come across a few that are definitely in the radical end of the spectrum. The photos themselves range from "could be offensive to some people" (e.g. topless demonstrators) to "fully intended to be offensive to some/many people" (e.g. anti-male graffiti, posters dealing with menstruation). 

Now, it's one thing to discuss militancy in an article, it's another to see photos. They have documentary value, and I'm of the mind to go ahead and add them to the Radical feminism article. Since they were intended to shock, though, I do hesitate to do it. 

Would they serve an article well, or detract? Opinions?

(aka OttawaAC)