I am sorry for not being currently able to test drive 2.4.0-dev and provide feedback (I'd love to chip in that way, just currently cant). When might the final release be upon us?
Thousand thanks to Tom and team, the skin is excellent and I think I speak for all its users if when I say it is highly highly apprciated!


On Do, Feb 11, 2021 at 10:20, Tom Hutchison via Foreground <foreground@lists.wikimedia.org> wrote:

Is there anyway I could view the development wiki? Can you try using the develop branch? That should give you a version 2.4.0-dev.




From: Foreground <foreground-bounces@lists.wikimedia.org> On Behalf Of tjwalters@dps.ohio.gov
Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2021 5:38 PM
To: Discussion about the Mediawiki skin Foreground (https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Skin:Foreground) <foreground@lists.wikimedia.org>
Subject: [Foreground] Help if possible



                Iÿve emailed this list before about my difficulties getting MediaWiki 1.35.x to play with the new foreground 2.3.0. My former boss insisted on using a specific template for each page, and although several of you have said foreground works with 1.35, I cannot get it to cooperate with mine. I fully acknowledge the problem is on my side, but I just simply donÿt possess the experience to resolve the issue. Iÿve attached two images (sorry for the redactions-I work in law enforcement), with one showing our current wiki running MW 1.31.12 and foreground 2.1, and the second our test wiki running MW 1.35 and foreground 2.3.0. Iÿm trying to get the new version to look like the current one. If anyone can provide any guidance Iÿd greatly appreciate it. I can provide some of the code used if it would help (<DIV> commands using tables) but the problem exists through the entire wiki, even the special page that has the tabs for appearance preferences. The new foreground seems to break every table and tab.

                Again, shot in the dark here, Iÿm out of ideas. Thanks in advance.



Todd Walters

Information Technologist II

LEADS Control

1952 West Broad Street

Columbus, OH. 43223


