The margin is too wide. I'm customizing the rows/columns via css gadgets within the skin, rather than the skin's css, which only shows to me (for now).  If I try to change the margin in the gadget (wiki page), element pops right off the line, into the next one below, naturally because the percentage is already filled up with the 12 slots, including the offset.

Apparently responsive gutters were added in 6.1, and you could use Sass (I barely understand what that is, at this point) to do something like:

$grid-column-gutter: (
  small: 20px,
  medium: 30px,

If Foreground has no plans to update that, I'm not entirely sure how I'd fix this. I'd really like to keep the grid for mobile.
On 10/12/2016 1:13 PM, Tom wrote:
So you're saying that the margin between the grid elements is too wide or the difference between rows is too tall vertically?

Offset is based on the actual grid width and the grids are 12 per row. Everything is done percentage wise too. Of course everything can be overridden using MediaWiki:Foreground.css as the last called stylesheet. 

I don't think anyone ever thought of integrating SASS mix ins into the template. Foreground based off of Foundation 4 is the vanilla download package. As is the beta version which uses Foundation 5. 


On Oct 12, 2016, at 2:43 AM, Randa Rivera <> wrote:

Hey guys! So I really dig the Foundation 4 grid that comes with this skin. I'm trying to customize our front page with some css for the rows/columns, and using the offset to create a space between each section, but the built-in offset is far too wide. I wanted to customize this but it seems like the only way to customize it is through css/mixins that I don't have access to because of this partial Foundation installation - as in, it SEEMS like they've only included the grid function and little else.

Anyone have any ideas?

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Randa Rivera