Hi Vivian

Make sure you join the Mail List for Foreground otherwise you won't receive any further posts. I had to release this one manually because you posted as a non member. 

So getting right to the root cause of the issue, that would be the echo extension. Depending on what version of echo you were using would cause that problem to appear. There are some solutions with a few small rewrites and they just have not been pushed to Foreground yet. Give me a little bit of time and hopefully I can push out an update which should correct your issue.

In the meantime could you please confirm what version of MediaWiki you are using and also what version of Echo you are using. It appears 1.27 and echo relative branch for 1.27 from 29 June 2017. 

Very nice little looking site too! Thanks for using Foreground. 


On Jun 13, 2017, at 10:05 AM, Vivian Epiney <epiney@gmail.com> wrote:


I managed to make Echo and Foreground work together (thanks to last 2.1.0 alpha version of the skin).

But I need one more thing to get done before being totally satisfied with how my wiki "Le Dico des Ados" is set up. Whenever I get a new message in my talk page, I won't see it before going in the top right menu and see a small inconspicuous line telling me that I got a message. That should come directly in the notification area from Echo extension.

Any idea how to get that done ?

Thanks !


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