Sprint H ends tomorrow.


Code review today, merged a lot of patches. Found a problem with Shahyar's modal.
We talked about how to handle the watch star in Vector and Monobook. The current patch is a hack, and may cause problems down the line, but we need to have the tooltip that explains what subscribing to a board means. We're almost certain to change something about this in the near-ish future, so this won't be dropped and forgotten.
The new watch star patch should fix the problems with the star on Monobook (X-7 and X-8).


Working on fixes for the Hide modal, to center it and make it look like a real modal dialog (G-11). This involves H-9: allow external elements to be related to a Flow component.
The patches work, but it's breaking some other elements. He'll fix that today.


Yesterday, mostly H-5 -- When a topic is locked, take out all reply links. It's in code review.
Danny asked him to look at H-99 -- it's a change that Jon worked on and released, to always keep moderated threads uncollapsed on topic pages.