On Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 5:32 PM, Jon Robson <jrobson@wikimedia.org> wrote:
I would not object to restoring permalink but I worry the list might
look rather empty without it.

Topic History is also fine in no-JS.  So let's bring back the no-JS topic menu with Permalink and Topic. It sounds like low effort for a small win, so I tweaked the card and moved it to Estimation meeting.
I'd rather we put effort into improving
UX. I doubt that would be too much work, but it needs design input and

The kiss of slow for getting things done?

As you say, no-JS Reply (and Edit) are now a good experience. I think they demonstrate a good approach for any developer to revive 'Edit title' and 'Summarize/Edit summary' without much design interaction: show the topic with an edit form in the appropriate place.

That leaves moderation. The Hide/Delete/Suppress dialog works OK as a standalone page, it just needs a better page h1 heading (as do all the action pages) and should show the dialog title ("Hide topic?") as text on the page.  Close (soon to be Lock) is more mysterious, it needs some introductory text.

For all of these submit-something interactions, should the redisplayed topic show a green class="successbox" containing "Your <action> was successful." ?

=S Page  Features engineer