Hi everyone, 

For those of you using or planning to use guided tours, I just wanted to let you know about a small but key change to the user experience.

Currently, you can close a tooltip via a variety of methods (ESC, click outside, etc.) but to end the tour, we made you explicitly check a box that said "end tour". This is the version deployed currently, if you want to try it via the test tour etc. 

As part of our usability testing for the next version of Getting Started + a guided tour, we found that method to be too heavy-handed, and that we were essentially doing it to make it harder to end a tour. Part of this was out of a fear that users would accidentally end a tour too quickly, when all they wanted to do was close a single guider. 

Going forward, we removed the "end tour" checkbox in favor of simply having the [X] button end the tour. You can see what this looks like and get more info at: mediawiki.org/wiki/Guided_tours#Description_of_guider_elements

Many thanks for feedback from Pau, Vibha, and Matt on this change. Hopefully this will be simpler and cleaner for everyone who might use guiders. 

Steven Walling