We had most cards estimated, so it was mostly planning and review. The highest priority remains completing TOC.

LQT conversion:
* Want to have some user-visible record of the conversion.
  ** S wants the raw JSON log on the wiki, Matt wonders why, ErikB thinks we can post-process the raw JSON log into something nicer
* Do we want the Flow board to link to the archived LQT page? No,the old LQT page exists primarily so you can get the pre-Flow history of its wikitext edits.

We'll write up how the conversion works on mediawiki.org, first cut is https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Flow/Converting_LiquidThreads

Flow on officewiki:
4 steps:
* Flow working (wmf8 deploys to officewiki Tuesday morning)
* run LQT conversion, maybe Wednesday
* convert one namespace to Flow
  ** Would be nice to have PHP scripting for the archiving of regular Talk pages ready for this.
* convert the rest to Flow

* A lot of back-end work needed, especially in "monolithic CirrusSearch maintenance script". Matthias will file a bug(s) for CirrusSearch changes and propose patches for it.
* Matthias has enough Flow search API code to work on showing search results on a Flow board, but we won't estimate until we have basic search wireframing from Pau.

=S Page  Features engineer