We backported bug fixes to Mediawiki yesterday afternoon -- those look stable and helpful, so we're pushing it to enwiki this afternoon, as per previous emails. Those seem to be the most urgent fixes, and I think they'll help to remove distractions that have been bothering people since Thursday.
We're continuing to work on some more Echo and Monobook bugs; those will go to Mediawiki on Thursday, and then enwiki the following Thursday. If something urgent gets reported that today's deploy doesn't fix, then we can talk about accelerating.
Reminder for team members: Check out the bug triage list that Jon sent; let him know if you're having trouble working through the list.
Reviewed & merged for some X patches, backwards compatibiltiy
Worked on Close --> Lock text change
Has a question about the modal in Monobook -- needs to check with Shahyar or Jon.