Dear Collaborationists,

Here's another suggestion for the ToC/Search/Filter design. The main idea is to unify the meaning and functionality of the various icons, to hopefully make them more discoverable. There's also some element of progressive disclosure for the more advanced features. I'll describe things in words rather than making a mock-up, hope it becomes clear what I mean:

I'm not sure if the right-click context menus are discoverable enough, but then, you can do quite a bit without them, and there's a help button.
All the icons and numbers could sound like they're overwhelming for newcomers, but: if you look at an unknown board, not watched, not contributed, not searched, then there are only outlined icons and no numbers. All the information will be added in steps as you become involved.

Phew, that became a longer story than I thought. I hope it makes sense, I'll just throw it up here and see what happens...
