
Yesterday: Worked on Limn usage data (L2). Something's not working, sent a ticket to get access to stat103.
L5 - Spike to set up cron job.
Reworked queries to split out moderation actions.
Worked on patch for talk page conversion for OfficeWiki. Testing works with OccupyNamespaces. Needs code review.
Discussion of whether we should do the conversion today... we're going to consider that a provisional yes. Matt will look at the script -- if there's a problem, we can schedule another deployment window.
Talked to Frances and Lego about Co-op bot right -- it's complicated to make a right that's associated with a user -- we should try to get it added to the bot group instead, because bots don't run off on their own and do crazy things. :)
Today: Will pull something from sprint L column.


Yesterday: Followed up on send beacon stuff, updated that patch. It looks good to go.
Getting back to ToC today, after reviewing Erik's conversion patches.

Matthias sent his update separately.