Hello ee team !

Since Saturday night and during all summer, an information campaign about Wikipedia is displayed to anonymous users on frwp. We are trying to answer simple questions about Wikipedia mechanism and rules.

Six different points are shown to the public : 
* If Wikipedia is free, am I free to write anything ?
* Can my firm have his article ?
* Is Wikipedia the perfect place to write everything I know ?
* As an artist, can I talk about me on Wikipedia ?
* On Wikipedia, can I correct a mistake ?
* Can I copy on Wikipedia information from elswhere ?

These questions were slected from the experience of Partol on Recent Changes, training sessions, discussions with the public, etc. All six are critical points that we always have to repeat to newbies.

In order to stay concise, we have created a short answer, which is easy to read and is not skipped. they were not easy to write ! After the answer, we offer links in order to discover Wikimedia more deeply. We also collect feedbacks, which are, as usual, fifty/fifty shared between "keep it going [Wikipedia/this campaign]" or "kick this *** off my screen/Wikipedia is a shame". 

I invite you to discover this campaign by the links above, and hope to share a feedback on this experience during Wikimania. Feedbacks are welcome ! :-)

* French Wikipedia homepage : http://fr.wikipedia.org (in French)
* The six messages https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Projet:Aide_et_accueil/Campagne (in French)
* The Help and Welcope wiki-project actions https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Projet:Aide_et_accueil/English_summary (in English)

With my apologies for my English.
Benoît Evellin
Wikimédia France Volunteer 