
I-1: Hide updates -- getting close, but needs to take the duplicate reason out of the edit summary. We're not going to do a swat deploy today -- it's not an important enough bug to justify a Friday deployment. We'll do it on Monday.
Also: Discovered yesterday that we've never written any API level tests for Flow, because there are a few bugs in the way. Erik is clearing that up so we can get those tests working.
More work to be done on the "root post" fatal exceptions bug.


Working on bug - Mobile: Font size and line spacing is too small.
After that: integrating OOJS, to make H-8 possible (add moderation actions to board history).
S would like Shahyar to look at the bug about not collapsing topics on topic pages.
There's a new card for the modal (I-7) -- re-enable click-out closing, and use EventEmitter to prevent closing if content was inserted into form. This should go into the backlog.

Matt's out for Yom Kippur, Matthias is out for Friday evening.