Hi all,

This is just a quick update to let you know about two pieces of good news from Editor Engagement Experiments.

First, we launched a new version of the Special:GettingStarted landing page on English Wikipedia. As you can see, it's got two additional task types. We're hoping this helps bump up the number of users who find these task lists helpful. We've got some enhancements to this new page on the way, such as fixing up the way the tooltips work and adding a backend that doesn't rely on SuggestBot. 

Second, we ended and got a preliminary analysis of the effect of guided tours. By running the "getting started" tour associated with the previous landing page as an A/B test, we saw some promising results. Namely, that the cohort which got the tour clicked Edit 13% more, and saved an article edit 4% more. (Both are statistically significant results.) This means that we'll continue to explore ways to use guided tours in support of onboarding, and potentially consider a test of a tour for all new registered users. 

Questions? Comments? 

Steven Walling