
Finished up I-1: Hide topic; it's in code review.
Still need H-8 to put hide/delete/suppress on history pages.
Today we can run the script to delete old notifications past 2,000 items.


Worked on appearance of EditWatchlist bug, patch in Gerrit.
Code review for Erik patches.
Working on Fatal exception bug - MWException from AbstractQuery.php.


Working on Pager today for this week's deployment. (That filters out hidden/deleted topics ont the board.)
Modal improvements (I-7) are in code review.
H-8: He'll sync up with Erik to figure out what's left. Won't be ready for this week's deployment.


He'll be officially 100% on the team starting Monday.
Right now, getting to know the code, filed a bug about XML http requests.
There's going to be changes to the focus design -- it was redesigned by May. Also difference in focus for buttons vs focus for hover.